White Paper

Getting Ready for the 2020s: 7 Trends to Watch in Process Manufacturing Data

Evaluate organizational preparedness with these 7 trends to watch in process manufacturing data that Industry 4.0 will bring.

As we head into the 2020s, now is an excellent time to step back and evaluate organizational preparedness to effectively manage, control, and leverage the voluminous, eye-opening data that will soon be pouring in, once Industry 4.0 more fully arrives in the next decade.


Features covered are:

  • Trends and benefits that Industry 4.0 will bring.
  • A discussion of data-related challenges that process manufacturing organizations will face.
  • Highlights from case studies of organizations who have met similar challenges.
  • A self-assessment tool, “Are You Ready for the 2020s”?
  • Our recommendation for a powerful, cloud-based ALIM solution based on Microsoft Azure, the world’s most trusted cloud supporting 90% of today’s Fortune 500 businesses.
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